Jazz Trío: El Oopart


El Festival de la Tirana” is celebrated where the boundaries between Chile, Peru and Bolivia are woven.

“La Fiesta de la Tirana” tells the story of a curse of devils, toads and snakes who were sent to stop the worship of La Virgen de la Tirana. During the pilgrimage, the devils interposed in the way of the parishioners who were seeking to worship the Goddess but after 12 days of battle, the demons were transformed into light but retaining their original form. That is “El Oopart”, a demon who eats its tail like the Uroboros, that breaks ranks, embracing its shadow which is accompanied by a snake that is placed on its horns shaping in the infinity symbol.

An invitation to embrace our darkness, because it does not define us, we are the ones who finally choose.


The Oopart performs different musical compositions by Danilo Dawson, who is orginally from Antofagasta (North of Chile), but in trio jazz, as well as declamation of poems (in live shows) that refer to different landscapes of the Chilean territory and Latin American culture.

First Recording